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Exercising and Taking Care of Your Health

Last week, I gave you a few suggestions that I try to do to keep the weight off, especially during the holidays. The main thing was to not get so busy that you forget to eat. Instead I suggested eating several small meals throughout the day. This will keep your body fueled so you don't grab something sweet and unhealthy and you won't have the tendency to overeat. Also don't forget to drink that water!

Well, this week, I am going to discuss exercise. There are so many benefits to exercise, I am not even going to attempt going into all of them. Everyone knows they should and they usually have their own reason that they should. There have been many days when I have not felt like it, like there was just too much going on in my life, but I went anyway. How did I do that? How can you make yourself do it? The first thing is to identify why you want or need to exercise.

When my boys were little, I began exercising for 2 reasons: 1) Everyone told me how much energy I was going to need to keep up with them (and they were right!) and 2) To me, this really was my reason, I wanted my boys to understand how important it is to take care of your body, your mind and your overall health. But with 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 kids, how could I find the time to workout when I had to work, homeschool, and be a mom?

The first thing I did was get some VHSs. (Remember what those are?) I really did try to get on a schedule and do those a few times a week. For me, that didn't work. I had the kids trying to sit on me, demanding my attention, the phone would ring, or even the dog or cat would disturb me. What I learned from that, was that this was MY time. My time is different than a day off. MY time, at the gym or where ever, is a set period that I allow myself each week, to focus on my health goals to become a better person. I need it, it keeps me healthy and gives me such a natural energy. As I explained to a friend once, maintaining your health is so important. Just like an appointment at work is important or a doctor appointment is important. So is this! I literally make appointments with myself during the week to exercise. Just like the other appointments I set for myself each week, it is set time that doesn't get changed unless there is an emergency.

The other thing I found helpful was to find activities you enjoy. If you love running (which I don't), find a friend, set up some specific times each week to meet and run together. Having a buddy to encourage you can be one of the best motivators to keep you going. There was a time when my kids were swimming where I couldn't use the facilities for several months. So I made it a point to walk and run for those months. By the end, my 2 sons and I did a 5 K together. I wanted to push myself to see if I could. I trained and I could, but really don't have that desire. But I can say I used my time and made the most of it and accomplished something I never thought I could or would want too.

When my kids were younger, we did karate together. Try getting into that low stance. (squat!) Yes, it is a great workout that you can do with your little ones and it also teaches self-defense. Swimming is always a fun activity to do together. Weight lifting is so much fun with my teens. Tennis. What I am saying is sometimes those appointments I made included my kids especially when they were younger, but it was a schedule I could keep and enjoyed.

Now that they are a bit older and don't want to work out with mom and are busy with their own activities, I work my schedule around their workouts. For me now, that consists of classes. If I am not there, I have workout friends ask me where I was. We challenge and encourage each other. Sometimes I do get bored doing the same classes, if that happens, I check out a new class. If I like it, I will add it to my schedule to change things.

Some people like to exercise in the mornings, I am not one. I would so much prefer to sleep in. Others go after work, and some go at night. Weekends work out well for some people, I find our family is too busy being a family during that time and catching up with friends, so week nights

are my scheduled nights. Every Monday through Thursday afternoons, my schedule dictates that I am at the gym while my kids swim. I do all kinds of activities from TRX to yoga to ballet barre to Pilates and lots more. Some nights I may push it and do an extra class, other nights, I am good with one.

There are times when a conflict in schedule does arrive. Life happens, that is unavoidable. What I do then is to try to find another activity at a different time to check out or I skip it but jump right in on my next regular scheduled appointment with myself.

Even throughout the holidays, have fun but try to be consistent. You will feel better and have more energy to get you through the next few months. The main thing is keep MOVING. . . YOU DESERVE IT!

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